New MOOC is finally available

Discover the new Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Climate Justice
4 Apr 2023

NEW MOCC – “Climate Change and Adaptation on Ecosystems and Societies”


It’s finally available to all and free of charge the new italian MOOC of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Climate Justice: “Climate Change and Adaptation on Ecosystems and Societies”.

Through the consultation of various didactic material (video and slide), the students could learn the main basic and technical elements to independently engage in the climate change debate and to contribute in developing public policies for climate cange mitigation and adaptation that can be used in land managemente and local development paths at national and international level.

The MOOC is composed by 4 Module:

  • Module 0 – Presentation of the MOOC
  • Module 1 – Climate Change Toolbox
  • Module 2 – Phenomenology of climate change
  • Module 3 – Elements of Climate Change
  • Module 4 – Mitigation and Adaptation of Societies and Ecosystems

Specifically, thanks to the MOOC, the participant will be able to improve his knowledge on the physics and phenomenology of climate change. He/she will be able to understand the difference between the different concepts fundamental to understanding the temporal and spatial scales of climate change and what units of measurement are essential to describe the climate crisis.
Finally, the main mitigation and adaptation climate actions promoted by climate governance will be presented.