Beyond the Emergency
26 May 2023




The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Climate Justice and the international research group “Climate Change, Territories, Diversities” have the pleasure to invite you to our fifth international conference (28-29th June), entirely dedicated to the themes of implementing different practices to support the change and virtual pathways in the fields of political ecologies and agroecologies. During the two days is possible to discover in depth best practices developed in Europe and Amefrica Latina.

We will send you a ZOOM link the day before the conference.

/ To participate register here

// Read and Download the flyer of the conference


28th June | Mutual and Transformative Practices for Change

> from 15.00 to 19.00 (CET)

The conference will be held in English and simultaneously translated into Spanish and Italian. The participation in the conference is open to all and totally free of charge.
Below, there is a brief summary of the programme:


Towards 3 years of Centre of Excellence Jean Monnet on Climate Justice: Communication and Dissemination of the events | Edoardo Crescini, Dep. ICEA, University of Padua;
The Centre of Excellence Jean Monnet on Climate Justice: from the collection of the best practices till the Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) | Daniele Codato, Cristina Tha, Dep. ICEA, University of Padua;
Scientific Publication and Research Activities at the Centre of Excellence Jean Monnet on Climate Justice | Francesca Peroni, Dep. ICEA, University of Padua;
Towards the Yasunization of the Earth: a popular referendum to keep oil underground in Ecuador | Pedro Bermeo, Yasunidos;
Climate Justice and African climate youth movements: A Bigger Picture | Vanessa Nakate, Climate activist for the Rise Up Movement;
Climate Justice in the cities: the experience of Bergen Municipality | Stina Ellevseth Oseland, Director of the Climate Agency in the Bergen Municipality;
Decolonizing the Resource Commons in a Multi-scalar Political Ecologies Framework | Joshi Shangrila, Member of the Faculty of Climate Justice, The Evergreen State Collage, Olympia, WA;
The global campaign STOP EACOP: movements and legal actions to refuse a Fossil Future | Omar Mohamed Elmawi, STOEACOP coordinator campaigns since November 2022;
The role of ICT in Climate Change: a World Wide Waste | Gerry McGovern, author of the book “World Wide Wate. How digital is killing our planet”;
Skeptical Science: Giving facts a fighting chance against (climate) misinformation | Baerbel Winkler , coordinator and writer for Skeptical Science organization;
Passante di Mezzo: Rights of Mobility and Collective Redefinition of the Public Space in Bologna | Angela Santese, Bologna for Climate Justice;
Climate Movements: the Milan Congress for Climate Justice | Alex Foti, climate activist and coordinator of the World Congress for Climate Justice (WCCJ);

29th June | Pathways for Climate Justice

Conference session inside: “Geography and Political Ecology”, Società degli Studi Geografici

Session: Climate Justice and socio-environmental conflicts. Pathways of political ecologies and agroecologies between Europe and Amefrica Latina

The conference will be held in English and simultaneously translted into Italian and Spanish.
The participation in the conference is open to all and totally free of charge.

> from 16.00 to 18.00 (CET)

We will send you a ZOOM link the day before the conference.

/ To participate – REGISTER HERE

// Read and Download the flyer of the conference


The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty (FFNPT): plural bottom-up paths of Phasing Out | Edoardo Crescini, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Climate Justice;
Unburnable carbon for climate justice: a proposal of criteria for a fair and just transition away from fossil fuels | Daniele Vezzelli, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Climate Justice;
The role of ecofeminism in the approach to a new eco-social horizon | Giulia Costanzo Talarico, Grupo de Investigación EcoEcoFem, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla;
Peasants’ ontology and government narratives. A political ecology of frontier dynamics in the northern Colombian Amazon | Maetzke Francesca Letizia, Università degli Studi di Padova, KU Leuven;
Climate Change and Socio-environmental Conflicts in Colombian Amazon Rainforest: a GIScience Approach to map and assess forest fires | Celis Nathalia, Università degli Studi di Padova, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (Ecuador);
Decolonialising Fridays for Future | Matteo Spini, Università di Milano Bicocca;
The global legally binding agreement to fight plastic pollution: observing power and actors in Ecuador | Toro Torres Pablo Nicolas, Università degli Studi di Padova, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (Ecuador);
Climate change and food systems comparing agro-industrial and agro-ecological pespectives in Sicily: a participatory research-intervention approach | Luigi Conte, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia;
Rights, land, soil and agroecosystems in the north-central Ecuadorian highlands. Multiscale analysis of the agroecological status of farms | Sáenz Lituma Gabriel, Università degli Studi di Padova, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (Ecuador);
Exploring participatory approaches for soil health knowledge co-production in agroecological networks | Elvira Inés, Università degli Studi di Padova, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (Ecuador);
Participatory resilient adaptation to Climate change in mountain regions. The ski industry vulnerablity and the future sustainable development alternatives in the Valmalenco case study | Margherita Dematteis, Università degli Studi di Padova, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (Ecuador);
Urban food forests: perspectives and scenarios for good agro-ecological practices in Padua | Denis Grego, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Climate Justice.

We will send you a ZOOM link the day before the conference.

/ To participate – REGISTER HERE

// Read and Download the flyer of the conference