Where to leave fossil fuel underground: Toward Just Criteria
Here you can find the videos and presentations of the III Conference on Climate Justice held on 22nd July from the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Climate Justice and the international research group “Climate Change, Territories, Diversities”.
The Atlas of Unburnable Carbon: the state and the future outcome of the research
Daniele Codato
CJ Research grant and Member of Scientific Committee. Human geographer, specialized in spatial and multitemporal analyses in complex territories, and climate-related issues. He works on a global atlas on unburnable carbon comparing EU and global spatial policies on fossil fuels.
The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty (FFNPT): A call for a Just and Equity Transition
Harjeet Singh
Strategic Advisor on Global Partnerships of the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative. Harjeet is a global expert on the issues of climate impacts, migration and adaptation and has been supporting countries across the world on tackling climate change. He is also Senior Advisor – Climate Impacts at Climate Action Network – International (CAN-I).
Unburnable carbon issue within EU policies, EU infrastructure planning for the energy transition
Gregor Erbach
Gregor Erbach is the Head of the Climate Action Research and Tracking Service (CART) of the European Parliament.
Climate justice and Fossil Fuels: Principles for the Phasing Out
Greg Muttitt
Greg Muttitt is Co-Lead of Sustainable Energy Supplies at IISD. He has over 20 years of research experience on fossil fuels and climate change, focusing on the economics and politics of energy transitions. Before joining IISD, he was Research Director at Oil Change International and Co-Director at Platform.
I Thematic Working Table – Prosperity and Partnership
This round table discussed the necessity of developing an international fund to support the developing countries in the energy transition related to the phasing out and in the non-proliferation of fossil fuels activities. Moreover the round table reflected on social welfare in a climate crisis scenario and on the consolidation of the global governance for a radical transformation of the growth model, challenging the anthropocentric vision.
– Prof. Alberto Lanzavecchia (Member of the Scientific Committee of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Climate Justice)
– John Sinha (COP26 Coalition)
– Greg Muttitt (Co-Lead of Sustainable Energy Supplies, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD))
– Stephan Singer (Senior Advisor Global Energy Policy at Climate Action Network-International)
– Prof. Salvatore Pappalardo (Centre of Excellence Jean Monnet on Climate Justice, Dep. ICEA, University of Padua)
II Thematic Working Table – People and Place
The impact of climate change it’s not equal in all the world and mostly the vulnerable countries are more exposed to damage caused by extreme weather events. Some pay more than others! So it is important to create political instruments to safeguard territories and people suffering the burdens of these events. During the COP26 and the Intermediate Negotiate of Bonn there has been strong resistance to the creation of instruments related to Loss and Damage. What could be good practices to encourage this type of issue? Why is climate justice still little discussed within climate policies and more generally in the working tables of the COPs? In leaving fossil fuel underground how to recognize the differentiated burdens of climate change?
– Chiara Soletti (Policy Advisor of Italian Climate Network on Human Rights, Ambassador of the EU Climate Pact and Observer since 2015 of the UNFCCC)
– Fiore Longo (Survival International Italia)
– Daniele Codato (Researcher of Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Climate Justice, Dep. ICEA, University of Padua)
– Prof. Lee-Ann Sade Modley (Member of the Scientific Committee of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Climate Justice )
– Prof. Alberto Diantini (Member of the Scientific Committee of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Climate Justice)
III Thematic Working Table – Planet and Peace
This roundtable deals with the themes of Pachamama, the rights of nature and the key role of indigenous people. Fossil fuel extraction not only is the main drive of climate injustice but generates higher social and environmental impacts transforming our planet into zones of sacrifice and environmental injustice. Indigenous communities are in the frontlines of climate and environmental justice, allowing to understand the importance of indigenous Land for the future for all humanity and the unique contribution of indigenous people in centuries of resistance and permanent mobilization for life. So how in the phasing out of fossil fuel can we recognize the priorities of ecosystem diversities and indigenous lands?
– Pedro Bermeo (Yasunidos)
– Antonio Tricarico (ReCommon)
– Prof. Salvatore Pappalardo (Centre of Excellence Jean Monnet on Climate Justice, Dep. ICEA, University of Padua)