Inaugural Course Event

We are pleased to share the first event of the course "Climate Change and Adaptation in Ecosystems and Societies".
16 Feb 2022

Lectio Magistralis “Climate Crisis | Impacts, scenarios and opportunities”


The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Climate Justice is pleased to inform you about and invite you to the inaugural event of the new course “Climate Change and Adaptation in Ecosystems and Societies” of the Bachelor of Engineering for Environment and Territory that will be held online on 28 February from 10.30 to 12.30 with the presence of Luca Mercalli, well-known Italian climatologist and science divulgator.

In his speech, Mercalli will talk about the current climate crisis, possible future scenarios based on climate actions taken at global level and and the impacts on societies related to the extreme climate events.

Programme of the Event | 10.30 – 12.30

  • Institutional Opening
  • Centre of Excellence Jean Monnet Climate Justice | Massimo De Marchi (Dip. DICEA)
  • Lectio Magistralis | Luca Mercalli


The event is free and open to anyone who wishes to attend and participate.

/ Download the flyer of the Event – Click Here