Climate, Carbon and What Really Matters

Conference with Professor Dale Jamieson to explore the historical dimension, the political-economic sphere and the philosophical approach related to climate change.
20 May 2022

Climate, Carbon and What Really Matters


On Tuesday 24 May, from 17:00 to 19:00 (CEST), the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence is pleased to invite you to the event “Climate, Carbon, and What Really Matters”, organised by the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology (FISPPA), at the Sala delle Edicole, Piazza Capitaniato 3.
The event is open to anyone who is interested in participating and it is part of the programme celebrating the 800th anniversary of the University of Padua.

Conference aims to explore the historical dimension, the political-economic sphere and philosophical approach related to climate change.
Among the speakers present will be Professor Dale Jamieson, Professor of Environmental Studies and Philosophy, Director of the Center for Environmental and Animal Protection at New York University.

Brief description :

I along with many others have, for decades, beat the drum for climate change action.  Yet little meaningful action has been taken.  Much of what is under discussion today is a rediscovery of what should have been done in the last century.  Even the geoengineering discussion looks backwards, towards strategies that we hope would allow us to turn the global thermostat down to something closer to the comfortable Holocene norm.   Looking backwards can even lead to myopic, complacent, and self-righteous views of climate justice.  Yes there would be no climate crisis without settler colonialism or fossil capitalism.  Nor would there be a climate crisis had Homo sapiens never left Africa, or even perhaps if agricultural surpluses, the green revolution, or the suppression of infectious diseases not occurred.   Some of these considerations matter and matter a lot, but exactly how they matter and to what extent, depends on how they fit into a path forward.  What matters for a path forward is not decarbonization, alternative energy, or even “sustainability” for their own sakes, but the roles they play in realizing our values and in enabling our lives to have meaning in a world in which the invitation to humans to dance with the rest of nature cannot politely be declined.

Programme of the conference:

  • Speaker: Prof. Dale Jamieson (New York University)
  • Discussant: Prof.ssa Romana Bassi (University of Padua); Prof. Pierfrancesco Biasetti (Leibniz-Institut für Zoo- und Wildtierforschung); Prof. Massimo De Marchi (Direct of the Climate Justice, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, University of Padua)
  • Moderator: Prof. Andrea Altobrando (University of Padua)

DOWNLOAD the conference flyer HERE