Published the Synthesis Report of the IPCC 6th Assessment Cycle

On the 21th March, the last part of the 6th Assessment Cycle has been published
23 Mar 2023

Synthesis Report of the IPCC 6th Assessment Cycle


On 21th March, the Core Writing Team (CWT) of the IPCC have published the Synthesis Report, which provides the most comprehensive and best available scientific assessment of climate change.
The Synthesis Report merge the main points of the preceding three reports and also included the other 3 thematic publication made by IPCC related to the impacts of global heating of more than 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, climate change and land, and climate change and the oceans and cryosphere. The aim of this report is to create a shorter document to provide scientific underpinnig for global climate action. This is the last IPCC report where it is still possibile to stay within 1.5°C scenario.

The reports remarks that human activities, principally through emission of greenhouses gases, have unequivocally caused global warming and the rapid changes in the atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere and biosphere is already caused many weather and climate extremes in every region across the globe.
To keep the world at safe levels of warming (1.5°C scenario) the “abatement of existing fossil fuel infrastructure is required and no new oil and gas extraction must be financed.

Risks and projected adverse impacts and related losses and damages from climate change escalate with every increment of global warming, intensifying multiple and concurrent hazards. Some future changes are unavoidable but can be limited by deep, rapid and sustained global greenhouse gas emission reduction through policies and laws implemented bt efficient and effective nationally determined contributions (NDCs).